History of The Ladybug Cafe

Once upon a time, there was a little girl with a crazy imagination and LOTS of energy. Her parents nicknamed her Ladybug. She was born into a family that loved to eat! Not only did her family love to eat, they love to COOK--a food of love thing (Emeril Lagasse)--and spent a good bit of time in the kitchen. ....come back for the rest of the story!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

So, about Pots

You can see the picture of my darling little boy, sitting on the counter getting ready to play in the flour--yes, the one with the adorable smile, blonde hair, brown eyes, the one making your heart melt right now. Well...earlier tonight, he threw a fit to rival all fits. So, like the good mother that I am, I put him to bed...EARLY (the still daylight outside kind of early)! He cried for a few minutes, and then it got quiet. Of course, I patted myself on the back because I believed that I had accurately diagnosed the cause of his fit as fatigue, or as we say down here in the South, "Bless his heart, he was just so tired!" Then, like the good mother that I am, I went down the hall to check on him only to see him playing quietly in the floor of his room, not sleeping! Later, the Ladybug went to check on Pots and came back to report that the was back in his bed! So, about Pots...that darling little boy can bring the thunder of a fit, play in stealth-mode, and climb back in bed when he gets tired--if this is what we get during his toddler years, what will his teenage years look like...?

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