History of The Ladybug Cafe

Once upon a time, there was a little girl with a crazy imagination and LOTS of energy. Her parents nicknamed her Ladybug. She was born into a family that loved to eat! Not only did her family love to eat, they love to COOK--a food of love thing (Emeril Lagasse)--and spent a good bit of time in the kitchen. ....come back for the rest of the story!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ladybugs & An American Girl

Our love for Kit began on the Ladybug's 5th birthday...we have her birthday party in May, but we also celebrate her "real" birthday again. So...on the Ladybug's 5th birthday, we went to see Kit Kittredge, An American Girl in the movie theater. (Whenever we talk about it, the Ladybug rolls and recalls her mother crying...hey, it is a sad story with a happy ending!) The Ladybug was Kit for a book report presentation earlier this school year. Today, after numerous darling ladybug gifts, including an official Ladybug Cafe' apron...and another mound of tissue paper flowers--so, far I have resisted the urge to make more flowers...

Pulling this story together, after numerous darling ladybug gifts...the Ladybug received her first American Girl doll, Kit Kittredge, An American Girl.

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